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Uncategorized July 8, 2022

All About PPC Services and How it will Drive Your Results?

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Website Development & Digital marketing Agency - Exogenous Technology

Pay-per-click (PPC) or Cost-per-click (CPC) is a type of digital marketing, where an advertiser pays a search engine a fee for every click made on the advertisement. This is a method of buying visits to a website rather than ranking in the organic search results. As of 2021, Google owns 92% of the global search market share and with paid advertisements, you will have a 200% ROI. PPC generates twice the number of visitors compared to SEO.

Ads can increase brand awareness by 80%, and around 65% of customers click on PPC ads. In 2022, 54% of ad expenditures will be online. Still, they’re enormous to grasp the importance and significance of paid ads. Did you know that the average internet user is exposed to 4,000-10,000 ads per day, according to different surveys? This clearly shows how much we are encircled with paid ads and in this digital age, it makes sense for online advertising to be an essential activity for your business and marketing strategy.

Pay-per-click services (PPC) advertising is a cheap and cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website, regardless of your budget. As the name suggests, you only pay the publisher when your ad is clicked. Ad prices are set by bidding, which allows you to be flexible with your ad spend. And unlike many other marketing strategies, PPC allows you to reach and engage your target audience with ease for the best ideas you can consult for free at Exogenous Technology.

You will surely see the difference compared to traditional ads. You will observe an increase in customers, more phone calls, or more visits to your site after opting for PPC services and after some time you will be able to compare your data and get a better idea of where your budget should be for each campaign. It allows your business to flourish and rise above others. And for more clarity, here’s why using PPC advertising is vital for keeping up against competitors.

  • Cost-effective: You can fix your budget, targeting, and ad placements.
  • Immediate Traffic: Organic results take a long time! Try PPC to equalize your organic count easily.
  • Warm Leads: Place your ads at the right time. This not only helps in clicks, instead but also makes them buy your product soon.
  • Good ROI: Easy to measure, improve, and monetize easily. Constant ad improvement leads you to reach maximum ROI.
  • SEO Strategy: Apply the keywords in PPC to test the effectiveness of organic search results.
  • Monitor Results: PPC Algorithms rarely cause a huge impact. So, you can take your time to judge and predict the results on your way.
  • Targeting Options: PPC ads campaign helps you with required metrics like age, gender, location, and other interests to target customers locally and globally.
  • Social Media Strategy: Make use of an integrated PPC campaign across search and social media to convert more customers. Google’s Audience observation is most beneficial here.
  • Re-targeting: PPC combined with your analytics gives you better insights into the non-converted data. Using this data, you can re-target again.
  • Ads are easy: PPC is easy to set up in just a few minutes. It also doesn’t require any special design or production skills.

After going through the above-mentioned benefits If you want to know how often your PPC ads appear it depends on which keywords and match types you select. While the number of factors determines how successful your PPC advertising campaign will be, you can achieve a lot by focusing on the following points:

  • Keyword Relevance: Crafting relevant PPC keyword lists, tight keyword groups, and proper ad text.
  • Landing Page Quality: Creating optimized landing pages with persuasive, relevant content and a clear call-to-action, tailored to specific search queries.
  • Quality Score: Quality Score is Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of your keywords, landing pages, and PPC campaigns. Advertisers with better Quality Scores get more ad clicks at lower costs.
  • Creative Ads: Enticing ad copy is vital; and if you’re advertising on the display network, you can use a tool for creating designer-quality ads that will demand clicks.

PPC offers many benefits to all types of online businesses in the world and around 54% of small businesses are using it efficiently. The above-mentioned benefits are the most common and important to know before you get into PPC campaigns. If you are planning to start or already started with PPC services, just keep these points in your mind to stabilize the best returns or you may consult Exogenous Technology for more.

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